A World of Architectural History
International Conference to be held at the
Bartlett School of Architecture,
Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment,
University College London, UK
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th November 2018
This event is also the 3rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association (ARENA)
Further information about the Conference rationale>>
Call for Papers:
Abstracts of a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 500 words are invited for this major architectural history conference being held at the Bartlett School of Architecture in early-November 2018. Up to three pages of images can also be supplied. However, all of the text/images in each case must be combined together into one single Acrobat PDF file for submission or else will not be accepted.
Applicants should indicate clearly in their abstracts which of the 8 conference themes they wish to be included in (see above for categories). The conference organisers however retain the right to reallocate accepted papers as they see fit.
To ensure equal treatment for all submissions, the organizers will not respond to any individual queries about the content of papers or about the thematic categories.
The selection panel will assess each of the proposed papers on an anonymous basis, and will be comprised of Bartlett Faculty colleagues and members of the International Academic Committee. The deadline for the call for papers is Wednesday 28th March 2018, with decisions being notified by 25th April 2018.
Applicants need to ensure that they have their own sources of funding available to take part in the conference.
General enquiries and the PDF files for the proposed papers should be emailed to:
Professor Murray Fraser, Vice-Dean of Research, Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, murray.fraser@ucl.ac.uk