The deadline has been extended for our upcoming themed issue on “Linking people and place in a new wave of computer models“. Please submit your abstracts here
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Arena Journal of Architectural Research
About this Journal
AJAR is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal for all kinds of design research and scholarly research within the architectural field, and has been set up by the Architectural Research European Network Association (ARENA) network. It welcomes the submission of essays by doctoral students and younger researchers as well as by established architects and academics. Content for the journal will be organised under 4 sections: Design, Technology, Practice, Humanities.
OPEN CALL: The Editors for ARENA Journal of Architectural Research (AJAR) welcome all submissions on any subject related to the field of architecture, ranging from Design to Technology to Practice to Humanities. AJAR is published as one continuous online issue per year, with rapid publication as soon as articles are ready, thus ensuring authors do not experience unnecessary delay. All submissions are subjected to double blind peer-review, which has been shown to decrease gender bias in publication. There is no processing charge at all for contributors, meaning that AJAR is free and open access for authors as well as readers.
We accept online submissions via our journal website. Full submission guidelines can be found here.