Monthly Archives: April 2019

First Jerusalem Conference on Accessibility in Ancient Cities of the World

The conference will take place in Jerusalem, Israel between Sunday, September 8th and Tuesday night, September 10th 2019.

The main purpose of the conference is to share insights and experiences on the following topics: Accessibility in Cities of the Ancient World – Personal Perspectives, Theory, Accessible tourism for people with disabilities, Residence in Ancient Cities, Innovation and technological support for accessibility, and public policy promoting accessibility.

The deadline to submit your abstracts is 15.6.2019. The abstract will include no more than 400 words. Please send it to Dr. Avi Ramot, via e-mail:

Please note that:

  • The deadline for submission is June 15, 2019
  • The Deadline for confirmation of presentation of the topic submitted in the abstract is July 15, 2019

Digital Construction Week 2019

Our call for papers offers you the chance to present live on stage at DCW and share your experiences and expertise with the entire industry. If you have an innovative project or story to share, we’d like to hear from you. Enter now for your chance to speak on one of our 9 seminar theatres including our Onsite Arena & Skills Hub at DCW 2019. Entries close on the 15th May.

Sessions on each stage will fall into one of three categories; Innovation (exploring ideas for the future), Digital in Action (focus on practical learning, current projects, and case study), and Technology (focused on the tools and technology).

We want case studies, research projects, debates, workshops, live demos, how-to guides, examples of best practice, new technologies and new ideas. We’ll be looking for something that hasn’t been heard before, offering new insights and encouraging debate. Above all else we want to show our audience something truly engaging, something different, that will genuinely help educate and inform them and ultimately something that will inspire and help drive the industry forward.

Find out more information here.

International Congress on Architectural Archives

“Architectural documentation is a key element of our cultural heritage, being the testimony of how architecture has been created, built, managed, and used and is, in some cases, the only record of the existence of former structures or of un-built projects”. This statement can be extended to records produced in other areas related to the built environment (engineering, urbanism, urban design) which also fall within the remit of the Section on Architectural Records (SAR) of the International Council on Archives (ICA).

In the current global context, so diversified in terms of technological practices and organisational cultures, the Section on Architectural Records of the International Council on Archives and the Arquivo Distrital de Braga of Universidade do Minho propose this Congress with the aim of examining issues relating to the production and management of records from architecture and the built environment , their preservation, authentication, and use in the service of humanity.

The Congress will take place in Braga, Portugal, from 25 to 27 September 2019. It will bring together archivists and other professionals concerned with architectural archival heritage from around the world, with diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences and work traditions.

The Congress Programme Committee invites you to submit proposals for papers, presentations or case-studies with the aim of encouraging discussion and debate throughout each session.
Proposals should reflect theory and practice in archival activities as they relate to the acquisition, preservation, and management of architectural records.

Abstracts (for papers and posters) of no more than 300 words should be submitted in plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf) or Word (.doc) via email to before 15 July 2019 (new deadline!!). Please include complete contact information with each submission (name, institution, postal address, email) and a brief CV (no more than 200 words) for each participant.  Presentation should not exceed 20 minutes.

Without excluding any relevant approaches, the focus of proposals should be on the following topics:

• Arrangement and description (paper-based, digitised and born digital documents)

• Management of born digital architectural records (archival treatment; digital preservation)

• Digitising architectural records (standards, workflows, methodologies)

• Conservation issues (different support materials)

• Appraisal. What should we keep other than drawings?

• The place of archives in architectural heritage and sustainable development

• Access, dissemination and reproduction. Standard views. Copyright

• Big data and legal electronic architectural documents.

The EFAITH Industrial Heritage Weekend for Associations and Volunteers 2019

“Industrialization, science and technology, Key to European integration”

to conclude our industrial heritage campaign of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage and to launch our follow-up EYCH2018+

The weekend will be organized in and near BRUSSELS with visits to and meetings at sites in the neighbourhood.

Side themes to be discussed:
* evaluating the position of the industrial heritage during the European Year of Cultural Heritage
* cross-boder co-operation between volunteers and voluntary associations in Europe
* the role of volunteers and associations for the development of industrial heritage tourism
* INDUSTRIANA and the border-crossing presentation of industrial heritage sites

contact us if you want to present a paper