Hana Mahmood, a Masters student at the University of the West of England (UWE), is looking for willing participants to help out with university dissertation research by taking part in a short online questionnaire – your help would be greatly appreciated! The focus of the research is regarding the conservation practices of historical buildings and cultural heritage. If this is an interest or a passion to you, please click the link to the short online questionnaire below.
Please read both the following documents before clicking the link. You can download and save a copy for your own records if you wish.
Participant Information Sheet and Privacy Note: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:a8b5c728-da3f-49af-9b8d-fab79c02d4a9
Consent Form: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:3943df93-671a-40be-8ff1-3d73837d6339
The link to the questionnaire is as follows: https://uwe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HT2kzPK01uF2su
Please contact Hana using the email Hana2.Mahmood@live.uwe.ac.uk if you have any questions or can offer any further help to the research.