Complexity and the
City – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment
Conference: 17-19 June 2020
Place: City, University or London.
ABSTRACTS: (Round One): DEC 2019
Abstracts received later in December will be included in Round One reviews
immediately. Later submissions will be included in Round Two.
Urban Design | Architecture | Sustainability | Engineering | Housing | Public
Health | Sociology | Economics | Business | Governance | Art and Culture
| History
Routledge | UCL Press | Intellect Books | Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Vernon Press | Libri Publishing.
– Design Education. Routledge. 2021
– Urban Histories in Practice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2020
– Narrating the City. Intellect Books. 2020
– Critical Practices in Architecture and Place Making. Cambridge Scholars
Publishing. 2020
– Designing for Health & Wellbeing. Vernon Press. 2019
– Global Dimensions in Housing. Libri Publishing. 2018
– From Conflict to Inclusion in Housing. UCL Press, 2017
– Visioning Technologies. Routledge, Taylor&Francis. 2016
– Filming the City. Intellect Books. 2014
– Housing the Future. Libri Publishing, 2015
– Housing Solutions Through Design. Libri Publishing. 2016
– Digital Futures and the City. Intellect Books, 2014.
– Imaging the City. Intellect Books. 2014
The first years of the 1970s saw the introduction of a whole series of notions
that would mutually inform our reading of the metropolis: social justice and
the city, sustainability, defensible space, and urban centres as sites of
public health. It saw the emergence of concepts such as the global city, urban
economics, the post-industrial society and the cultural city. From art, design
and cultural perspectives, post-modernism would critique of the whole modernist
Five decades after complexity theory was first applied to our reading of the
city, this conference revisits its consequences. It reconsiders the city as an
adaptive, self-organising and unpredictable system of interconnecting
interventions, forces and perspectives. It asks how these competing and
mutually reinforcing factors came into play and how they operate today. It
questions how the city has been, and continues to be, informed by the practices
of multiple disciplines.