Monthly Archives: August 2013

Between dream and reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing

14-15 Nov 2013

Since the 1990s World Heritage has been portrayed as a marker of transformation, from economic growth, increased tourism, regeneration to more intangible aspects of local pride and global recognition. In the last five years research on the effects of World Heritage inscription has shown that World Heritage status is not synonymous with tangible benefits such as increased funding and tourism. Yet it has proved much more difficult to pin down the more intangible consequences of World Heritage listing. Thus this conference invites speakers to explore a series of specific questions related to the tangible and intangible transformations of World Heritage inscription:

  • What impact does World Heritage status have?
  • To what extent does the World Heritage transform places?
  • More empirically, how does the World Heritage status impact and possibly transform places?
  • How is World Heritage status used and does it really generate change?

Further details: LINK

Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoats: Protective surface finishes for metals

Abstracts of 250 words are invited for submission by Friday, 30th August 2013

The ICON Metals Group’s upcoming one-day conference, scheduled for November 8th 2013, will focus on all aspects of surface finishes for metals. The aim is to discuss the spectrum of treatment options, the range of conservation-grade products available, which surface coatings and finishes to opt for dependent upon metal type and (if relevant) the object’s location, and any practical issues related to the physical application of coatings. Can we prove there is any such a thing as a ‘dreamcoat’?! – or is maintenance the real issue?

We invite papers from both public and private practitioners who work with historic ironwork, large metalwork, machinery/vehicles, sculptures, indoor metalwork, outdoor metalwork, museum pieces, and objects within historic house environments.

We would like to create a discussion around practicalities and what has been found to work, whether this be anecdotal or scientific.

Papers are invited for 20-minute presentations on any aspect of the application of coatings to metal surfaces, ideally through case study, with a view to producing a programme that will include the use and discussion of:

Waxes (hot & cold applications)
Primers and paints
Maintenance plans vs surface coatings

Papers should be submitted to Deborah Cane –

Further details: LINK

Collections Care & Conservation Department

Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Chamberlain Square

Birmingham B3 3DH.