Monthly Archives: August 2018

Society for the Architectural Historians of Great Britain Symposium: Call for Papers

The Society for the Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB) is issuing a call for papers for its 2019 symposium around the theme of ‘architecture and light’. This symposium will coincide with two exhibitions at Sir John Soane’s Museum: one on ‘Soane and Light’ and another – as yet untitled – with a leading contemporary light artist. Thereby the theme of papers should focus on the presence, use and meaning of light in architectural design across all periods and styles. The Symposium is taking place on Saturday 22 June 2019 in London. Papers should be 20 minutes in length and should be illustrated by PowerPoint, with speakers prepared to take questions at the end. Find out more about how to submit here.

Call for Papers: iDOC 2019 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference, New Directions in CPTED

Call for Papers

iDOC 2019 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference, New Directions in CPTED
13-15 Feb 2019 

It is a pleasure to invite you to iDOC 2019 The conference is organized by the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre, the Sellenger Centre, ECU and the International CPTED Association. It will take place at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA on 13-15 February 2019.
iDOC 2019 is the 10th anniversary of the inaugural iDOC 2009 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference. The timing of iDOC 2019 is at a time of very rapid change and expansion in CPTED and Design Out Crime particularly improved access to detailed crime statistics and new technologies of surveillance, access control and social control; awareness of potential for adverse consequences of CPTED; the extension of CPTED into counter-terrorism; radical new kinds of analyses of CPTED in health, gender, equity, indigeneity, etc; and the professionalisation of CPTD in terms of training, certification and standard processes. In parallel, iDOC 2019 supports the recent focus worldwide on developing CPTED for night time economies

The themes of iDOC 2019 will be New Directions in CPTED and Night Time Economies and CPTED.

Topics of interest

  • Night time economy CPTED
  • Crime data and evidence-based CPTED
  • New technology CPTED (e.g. face recognition, virtual following, 360deg 24/7 surveillance, biometric access control, drones…)
  • Risk vs threat in CPTED
  • Counter terrorism and Crowded Places CPTED
  • Event CPTED
  • CPTED and gender
  • Social equity issues and CPTED
  • CPTED and health
  • CPTED and social control
  • CPTED and privacy
  • Legal and financial liabilities from CPTED
  • CPTED and economic development
  • CPTED, young people and public space
  • CPTED across the life of building developments
  • Dark side of CPTED (adverse consequences)
  • Occupational Health and Safety and CPTED
  • Professional CPTED practices, training and standard processes

We welcome four types of submissions:

  1. Academic papers (double peer reviewed) on research, theory and systematic reviews
  2. Tales from the field describing new problems and experiences, lessons learned and practical findings.
  3. Specialist topic sessions (15 minutes + 10 min discussion)
  4. Workshops (1-2 hours)
  5. Desktop Training Exercises for multi-stakeholder team interventions (1-2 hours)

Author Guidelines

Submissions are to be in English and in Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents. Sound anbd video media to be in mp4 (or as agreed with organisers). Images to be in jpg or png.

Word documents are to have a maximum of 3 levels of headings and only one type of bullets and numbered lists. Formatting to use Word styles. Citations and references to be in APA format and we recommend the use of Endnote or similar software.

Start here to submit a paper to this conference.