Monthly Archives: December 2018

Building Material 23: Fields


The 23rd edition of Building Material seeks papers on the idea of the field in architecture.

The notion of fields is used in architecture to connote ambiguity. Whether used spatially or figuratively, it introduces into the discourse a tension in the acknowledgement of boundary. It is like a fabric, a carpet, a pattern with the potential for endlessness (or at least an ill-defined edge), yet the terminology of the field equally embodies concepts of containment and segregation. It slips between roles as an all encompassing terrain while remaining one part perhaps of a greater whole. Within the discourse of architecture, fields can capture a range of concerns, including: the imagery and nature of non-hierarchical space; the extents of professional and disciplinary knowledge; and the possibilities of boundaries, not as rigid delineating barriers, but instead as rich transitional zones. In all this there may be many fields of shifting centres.

Topics for consideration may include (but would not be limited to) the following:

  • How are the limits of architectural knowledge defined and where does it transition with other disciplines?
  • In what ways does the architectural design process respond to multiple physical, cultural and social conditions?
  • What has been the impact of field-based compositional principles on the history of architecture?
  • How, and in what form, do boundaries manifest themselves in the areas of urbanism, building, and technology?
  • If the extent of a given field may be mapped, what does this tell us of its central focus?

Building Material 23 invites submissions that explore the range of architectural possibilities inherent within the word ‘fields’ in Ireland and elsewhere. Submitted articles must not have been published, nor be under consideration for publication, either online or in print. Written submissions should be a maximum of 4000 words and should be analytical and critical rather than descriptive. While inviting submission of academic papers, it also seeks and encourages interesting essays that fall beyond the academic pale. Shorter articles are welcome, as are graphic works.

Building Material is a peer reviewed journal and selected submissions shall be assessed by two independent reviewers. Submissions not intended for peer-review are also welcome. A distinction will be made between peer-reviewed research articles and other material.

Completed articles should be addressed to the editor(s) by 01 March 2019. To facilitate the process of double-blind peer review, please ensure that all contact details are contained in a covering email and that authors’ identifying details are not included in the article file.

Acceptance decisions will be communicated by 29 March 2019. Articles should be prepared in MS Word, double-spaced at a minimum 11-point font size. Notes should adopt the UWA Oxford Referencing style (footnote format), as outlined in the linked document. Single quotation marks should be used throughout. Image files should be formatted as individual jpg files at 300dpi.

Informal queries regarding submission may be addressed to the editor(s). All submissions and correspondence should be addressed to

Previous issues of Building Material are now available to view on JSTOR. Hardcopies may be purchased via

Building Material is an annual architecture journal, joint published by the Architectural Association of Ireland (AAI), the All-Ireland Architecture Research Group (AIARG), and the Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF).


European Architectural History Network Conference 2020

Call for Session and Roundtable Proposals

The European Architectural History Network is delighted to announce its next biannual meeting at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 10th -13th June 2020.  In accordance with EAHN’s mission, the meeting aims to increase the visibility of the discipline of architectural history, to foster transnational, interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the study of the built environment, and to facilitate the exchange of research in the field.  EAHN is a European organisation, but its intellectual scope is global, and the meeting welcomes proposals on any architectural historical topic.  As well as topics on any aspect of the built environment, proposals on landscape and urban history are also very welcome, along with proposals dealing with the theories, methodologies and historiographies of architectural history.

Proposals are sought in two basic formats: (1) a Session, and (2) a Roundtable debate.  A Session should plan for 4-5 paper presentations, with a respondent, and time for dialogue and discussion at the end.  A Roundtable debate should be an organised discussion between panel members, and the format would suit topics of particular urgency, or contemporary relevance.  Roundtables should also aim to activate audience discussion as far as possible. Sessions and Roundtables may be chaired by more than one person. At this stage, only the proposals for Sessions and Roundtables are required. A separate call for papers (CFP) for successful Sessions and Roundtables will be issued in April 2019.

Anyone wishing to chair a Session or a Roundtable debate at EAHN2020 are invited to submit proposals by 31stDecember, 2018. Chairs should make clear whether their proposal is a Session, or a Roundtable. 

Please note that EAHN is self-funding, and chairs are expected to provide all their conference expenses, including travel and accommodation.

Check the Guidelines for Authors: