Monthly Archives: April 2022

Research on repair projects for Listed Places of Worship also recorded on the Historic England Heritage At Risk register

David Sutter is a postgraduate student at the University of the West of England, Bristol, studying MSc Building Surveying. He is currently writing a dissertation which is focusing on repair projects for Listed Places of Worship also recorded on the Historic England Heritage At Risk register. The research aspect of the dissertation involves conducting online phenomenological interviews with heritage property professionals that have experience working on such projects.   

He is looking for 6 to 8 potential participants for interviews. Ideally these individuals will have about 10 years’ experience working within the heritage property sector, along with a relevant professional institution membership. The crucial aspect is that the participants must have experience working on at least one repair project for a Listed Places of Worship recorded on the Heritage At Risk register.

If you would like to help David with his research then please email

Transformative Teaching Focus on Pedagogy

The academy brings in students from general education. It prepares them for a world of work and practice. In the process, it seeks to ‘transform’ them – opening students to the myriad of possibilities education is expected to bring.

Considered within this context, there a multitude of issues we need to consider. How we support entry level students? How we foster the critical self-reflection needed for lifelong learning? In a technologically fluid world, how do we keep up with changing media and practice? How do we support the engagement and understanding of our students with the social issues and players they will engage with once they leave? In short, how are we contributing to the transformative experience of education?

This conference seeks to foster a multifaceted consideration of what we do within the academy; how we teach; how students learn; and how we engage beyond its walls. 

The conference has several strands that reflect the research areas of each university partner and Routledge as publisher. They include:
Florida State University University of Dundee Zayed University AMPS

Abstract deadline : 30 June, 2022 (Round One) | 5 October, 2022 (Round 2)

AMPS – Livable Cities – New York


A cross-departmental initiative at City – Tech (CUNY), New York.

Place: New York / Virtual
Dates: 14-16, June 2023

Early Abstracts: July 5th, 2022

What makes a city livable? Transport, housing, health and environment. Matters of culture, entrepreneurship, crime and safety. Affordability and education. Depending on whose ‘livability index’ you look at, it may include design quality, sustainability and the digital infrastructures of the smart city. Other criteria applied may encompass food access, job opportunities or walkability. Inclusivity and the politics of participation also come into play.

The past two decades have seen an exponential rise of livability measures. Reflecting increased urbanity globally, they risk making the notion of the city ever more contested. The two cities that host this event are cases in point. The Mercer Livability Ranking takes New York as the datum by which all other cities globally are graded – as better or worse. London, by contrast, measures itself: the London Assembly scoring everything from air quality to indices of deprivation. When we consider the livability of cities then, it is clear we are dealing with a plethora of issues – both isolated and, inevitably, interconnected.

LIVABLE CITIES – New York, is the first of two related events. Held in New York, June 2023 it will be followed by LIVABLE CITIES – London in June 2024. In both New York and London we will examine the issues above from various angles. We will examine how we live in cities, and how every issue we encounter morphs with considerations of others: housing, architecture, urban planning, public health and more.

Decolonising Conservation Research & Teaching Workshop

Decolonising Conservation Teaching is a small networking project funded by the University of York and organised by Dr Louise Cooke.

The purpose of this network is to focus on decolonising conservation education through
research of archives in the UK, to understand and critique the colonial and postcolonial experience of conservation by the development of workshops and an international conference on conservation teaching focussing on the inclusion of narratives of non-dominant communities, and in developing pedagogies to transform conservation research and teaching in the UK and South Asia.

This network, supported by the University of York and the Department of Archaeology, will hold a workshop in May 2022 with a potential following one in June 2022, of which selected papers will be published in an edited book. Papers can be presented in person in York or online, to address the theme of decolonizing conservation teaching through the following questions:

  • How is your pedagogical practice impacted by colonial practices in conservation?
  • How are you changing your pedagogical practices (hands-on teaching, PBL… discourse and critical analysis)?

We are keen to invite speakers from both the academic world and outside of it, and
researchers working on the above themes worldwide. We hope that cross national conversations can be held within this workshop to promote shared experience in learning.

The workshop will take place over 2 separate days, on 10th/12th of May and 14th/16th of June. In person discussions will be held in King’s Manor, while a live stream system will allow speakers and attendees to contribute and listen into the session simultaneously. Selected papers will be published through the University of York Press as an edited book of conference proceedings.

Please email Samir Belgacem to indicate your interest, along with an optional short personal resume of c. 300 words to:

Confirmation will be sent out to speakers in early May.

Research on Sustainable ways to Retrofit Heritage and Listed Buildings in the UK

Alexsander Oleskowski is researching sustainable ways to retrofit heritage and listed buildings in UK.  

The survey itself consists of 5 basic questions and should not take much time to complete. Any comments would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to get as many sources as possible, to provide a range of experiences of different experts in the field regarding this topic.  

You can find the link HERE  

Please complete the survey by the end of April 2022

Architectural Sculpture in Britain 1850-1914

CALL FOR PAPERS: A new aesthetic or ‘mere decoration’?  Architectural Sculpture in Britain 1850-1914

We are inviting proposals for papers discussing architectural sculpture in Britain from 1850 to 1914. These will be presented to a joint Victorian Society and Public Statues and Sculpture Association conference at the Art Workers Guild in London on Saturday 17 September 2022. The conference will be followed by guided walks around selected Victorian and Edwardian buildings in London on Sunday 18 September.

Abstracts and a brief c.v. of approximately 150 words each should be submitted to Joanna Barnes and Holly Trusted (co-chairs PSSA) at by 30 April 2022.

Themes to be explored could include:

  • Patronage and commissions;
  • the relation between British and Continental European architectural sculpture;
  • the introduction and impact of new materials such as terracotta;
  • collaborative projects between architects, sculptors and firms such as Farmer and Brindley;
  • individual programmes of architecture and sculpture such as Llandaff Cathedral;
  • the visual relationships between figurative sculptures and their architectural frameworks;
  • the effects of collaborative work on the autonomy of sculptors;
  • the representation and objectification of women in sculpture;
  • the representation and misrepresentation of Empire in sculpture; 
  • women sculptors in a man’s world;
  • choice of materials and evidence of decay; or
  • Victorian and Edwardian sculpture and the effect of climate change.