Monthly Archives: July 2015

Dialogue among Cultures: Carnivals in the World

The characters of the popular traditions, based on the disguises, have origins in ancient festivals very different among them. In these artistic manifestations there is a large opening to human sentiments and thoughts; these are expressions of meetings where converge all peoples with their social, ethnic, economic, political and religious differences. In these traditional celebrations the daily life is built by the imagination, by the game and all this allows a continuous enrichment and exchange of cultural knowledge. These urban festivals allow to build art forms often unique. more…

Parish Church Interiors in Changing Times

Parish Church Interiors in Changing Times Conference, focusing on 19th and 20th century Church of England parish church interiors, organised by Historic  England and hosted by the University of Leicester and Stamford Court on the 14th and 15th of December 2015. Submissions are welcome in either short or long format on the topics listed in the attached call for papers.

For further details and application forms please contact:

Urban Planning

Urban Planning is currently accepting submissions for this first issue, to be released in March 2016. The issue, edited by Luca D’Acci and Ronita Bardhan, will be dedicated to urban forms and future cities. Further information is available here.