PUF2022, April 28th-30th 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Pandemics and the changing built environment
Learning from history, planning our future
Organised by: INTBAU, Nanjing University, University of Trento, Özyeğin University, University of Idaho, Kuwait University.
Abstract submission deadline: October 21st, 2021
Call for papers:
2020 was an extraordinary year for all countries in the world. The pandemic has spread and has not ended yet, confirming that the world is dramatically changing. The scholars in the field of the built environment are increasingly discussing the relationship between survival and urban form, two concepts once closely linked. Besides this, the pandemic has brought us other questions: how can people get along with nature, how should we regulate social behaviours, and should we use science and technologies to improve the built environment? We have experienced unprecedented changes in our social behaviours since the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes, permanent or temporary, have made our cities different from the cities we lived in one year ago. This new society includes a completely different retail pattern, a reduced use of public transportation, an increased and multipurpose use of residential spaces, the exploitation of online activities, a reduced use of public spaces such as offices, stadiums, museums, theatres, schools and universities, but also streets, parks and squares. Some scholars have recently been discussing such transformations, noticing that most of them were already ongoing but received an acceleration since the pandemic, while others consider them to be completely new. We believe that in the long or medium term the new social pattern will be followed by substantial changes in the built environment, and that we should understand these changes to plan and design for the future, to mitigate the diffusion of new airborne diseases and to meet new social demands. This conference will have three tracks: it will use history as a mirror to analyse the present condition and to re-examine urban form, it will provide a meeting point for researchers and ideas on urban environment and health and consider new design and planning solutions. The international conference on Pandemics and the changing built environment will take place in a blended form in April 2022. We intend it as the first of a yearly series of meetings for scholars interested in pandemics and the transformations of urban form. We welcome proposals for papers and posters related to the conference topics. Abstracts of papers will be double peer reviewed by an international scientific committee before acceptance. We encourage scholars, planners, architects and city managers to propose abstracts.
Conference track 1: Learning from history
Historical plagues and urban transformations
Pandemics, territorial cycles and morphological periods
The Justinian plague and the collapse of classical cities
The black plague and the Renaissance
The Spanish flu and the modernist manifesto
Conference track 2: Shedding light on the contemporary world
The impact of the pandemics on the physical space
Changes in social behaviours and in the built environment
Smart working and new office spaces
Public health policies and their effects on the built environment
Virtual spaces/communications and the effects on real spaces
Climate change, pollution and waste treatment
Online education
Conference track 3: The world is waiting for us to take action !
The impact of the built environment on public health
Design and future solutions for public health
Technologies, design and smart cities
Architectural responses to COVID-19
Hospital design and COVID-19
Pandemics and open spaces, roads and parks
New housing and building types
Planning for health in the built environment
From global metropolis to sustainable small towns
Public transportation: airports, subways, train and hyperloop stations and bus terminals
Abstracts of papers and posters in English of not more than 4000 characters (spaces included) [3200 abstract + 800 references] may be submitted online using the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit. All abstracts will be double peer reviewed by the conference scientific committee members, acceptance will be notified by email.
Conference fees:
Poster, 25 euro, poster, 10 minutes presentation, 12000 characters article
Paper, 75 euro, paper, 20 minutes presentation, 32000 characters article
Paper, Scientific committee member discount, 25 euro, paper, 20 minutes presentation, 32000 characters article
Proceedings will be published after the conference in a volume with ISBN code, with SCOPUS indexing. We will give the PDF to the authors after publication, you may buy your hard copiy online using print on demand. Selected papers will be also published after double blind peer review in a special issue of the Journal of Urbanism, and in a special issue of Forma Civitatis. International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies.