Monthly Archives: February 2023

IEREK – Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) – 7th Edition

In collaboration with University of Portsmouth, UK

Abstracts Due 16 March 2023

Putting the spotlight on heritage studies, IEREK is organizing the 7th “Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH): Sustainability” international conference. The conference will be held in collaboration with the University of Portsmouth, UK. It will serve as a primary forum for discussion on the topic of architectural heritage and its relations to sustainability, links to the environment, conservation efforts and techniques, management methodologies, novel innovations and technologies, and more. We encourage inputs from both theoretical and practice platforms. We aim to link theories to practice, and vice versa along with multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.

AMPS – Local Cultures – Global Spaces

Communities, People and Place

Abstract Date: July 15, 2023

Conference Website

The United Nations Human Rights and Habitat programmes connect how we live, to where we live. The association is premised on an understanding of cultures, communities and society through the lens of place. It sees them as inherently interlinked, and mutually reinforcing. Examining this liminal state, the Local Cultures – Global Spaces conference questions this idea as it appears at the intersection of cultural studies, sociology, human geography, architecture and urban planning.

It responds to debates around community networks and cultural traditions as independent of location. It addresses readings of the built environment as an isolated phenomena – as a series of constructed objects in, of, and for, themselves. Conversely, it acknowledges that how we live can be seen as inseparable from our built environments – our buildings, villages, towns and cities. In such readings, place may be defined as deterministic – as a central player influencing actions, and even identity. Positioning itself somewhere between these positions, Local Cultures – Global Spaces explores readings of societies and place as hybrid – as byproducts of the conflicting social, cultural and economic forces shaping our lives in multiple spheres.

If we take the city as a case in point, it can be critiqued as a site of displacement, economic inequity, gender marginalization and social exclusion. Viewed through such lenses, architecture, urban design and development policy simply ingrain the status quo. By contrast, for those celebrating cultural consumption, the city is a site for exchange – of ideas, experiences, identities, money, and more. Within this mix, the design of cities is central to the riches of globalization. It is where we find the Creative Class of Richard Florida, and where we enjoy the fruits of human production: cultural buildings, public spaces and the IT networks of the ‘smart city.’