Monthly Archives: January 2016
Are you running a space with your local community?
We are looking for stories about the economic organisation of community spaces (including social centers, cooperative businesses, co-working spaces, cultural venues in storefronts, buildings or open areas) developed and run by citizens with a social-cultural impact on their neighbourhood. Send us your story, describing the economic and organisation model, funding and human resources and development process of your space. Join us at our upcoming workshops and help other initiatives to learn from you! more….
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016
Members of the geographical and related communities are invited to propose sessions, papers and posters.
The theme for the 2016 Annual Conference is nexus thinking, an approach that has attracted a surge of interest in the last five years among academics, policy-makers and third sector organizations. The aim of nexus thinking is to address the interdependencies, tensions and trade-offs between different environmental and social domains – an approach to which geographers might feel an inherent attraction. Rather than seeing energy, food and water resources as separate systems, for example, nexus thinking focuses on their interconnections, favouring an integrated approach that moves beyond national, sectoral, policy and disciplinary silos to identify more efficient, equitable and sustainable use of scarce resources. more….
Call for Editors – Amps
Responding to the major growth in outputs created through these collaborations AMPS calls for several editors of books and journal publications. The positions are on a volunteer basis and can be embedded in two research programmes led by AMPS: Housing-Critical Futures and The Mediated City.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of the research organisation, its journal and associated book publications, this call will be of interest to academics involved with: architecture, urban studies, geography, sociology, media studies, art, new medias and digital technologies. more….
From urban sprawl to compact green cities
Call for Papers of Special Issue on From urban sprawl to compact green cities – indicators for multi-scale and multi-dimensional analysis
This Special Issue for the Journal of Ecological Indicators( aims to show up the current international state of art in developing, testing and implementing multi-dimensional (ecological, economic, social) and multi-scale (regional, city, neighborhood) indicators characterizing spatial processes and strategies dealing with urban sprawl and compact green cities for sustainable urban development. more….
Urban Planning Journal (Volume 1, Issue 3)
Deadline for Abstracts: 29 February 2016
Deadline for Full Papers: 15 May 2016
Issue Release: September 2016
Information: This issue of Urban Planning will be dedicated to Sustainable Planning & Technologies. more…