This year, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organise its Scientific Symposium in Ouro Preto, Brazil, from 13 to 15 November 2024 on the theme “Revisiting the Venice Charter: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges.”
Read the call for abstracts and send your abstract before 15 May 2024!
For more information, visit the ICOMOS website
The 60th Anniversary of the Venice Charter provides a unique opportunity to reassess it as a historical document rooted in a specific context and shaped by a particular heritage concept. This Symposium is dedicated to a critical reading, focusing on the Venice Charter’s relevance in the current discourse surrounding heritage and adopting a cross-cutting approach between conventions.
The Symposium aims to comprehensively reassess the Venice Charter in a contemporary context, emphasizing its Eurocentric origins and advocating for a critical rereading considering evolving heritage concepts. Additionally, it seeks to foster a cross-cutting approach between the Venice Charter and other international conventions, emphasizing the importance of diverse epistemologies and contributions from the Global South.
Proposed Sub-Themes for the Symposium
1. Historical Context and Heritage Concepts
An exploration of the historical context and conceptual foundations that shaped the Venice Charter, emphasizing its Eurocentric origins and the need for a critical rereading.
2. A Cross-Cutting Approach Between Conventions
A discussion linking the Venice Charter with other international documents, notably the Hague Convention of 1954, the World Heritage Convention of 1972, the Nara Document on Authenticity of 1994, the Intangible Heritage Convention of 2003, and the Faro Convention of 2005[1], exploring intersections and shared principles to address contemporary challenges.
3. Universalism and diversity: Rereading the Doctrinal Documents from Diverse Perspectives
A discussion on the importance of the Venice Charter (and other related doctrinal documents) through diverse epistemologies and perspectives, acknowledging the cultural diversity of heritage and exploring contributions from the Global South.
4. Contemporary Challenges in Heritage Discourse
A critical examination of the state of the art in heritage discussions, considering the evolving perspectives and challenges that have emerged since the inception of the Venice Charter. Examining the relevance of the Venice Charter in the current context, with a focus on challenges posed by the Western divide between nature and culture, the growing importance of metropolises, social inequities, the environmental impact of human activities, disasters and conflicts, among others.
5. Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage
Cultural heritage is increasingly vulnerable to disasters and conflicts and subject to rapid destruction, as evidenced by the recent fires, floods, earthquakes and escalating armed conflicts in different parts of the world. At the General Assembly 2023 in Sydney, ICOMOS Advisory Committee approved the theme of “Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage – Preparedness, Response and Recovery” as the theme for the Triennial Scientific Plan 2024-2027. In keeping with the spirit of open, innovative, constructive intergenerational dialogue, and the strategic focus, this sub-theme will address the suitability of the Venice Charter with the theme of disaster and conflict-resilient heritage, emphasizing its broader implications for heritage discourse, development models, and resilience strategies.
By integrating these sub-themes into the Symposium, we aim to foster a comprehensive dialogue that not only critically reinterprets the Venice Charter but also explores its intersections with broader heritage discussions and contemporary challenges including the climate emergency, conflicts and natural disasters.
[1] Council of Europe’s Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
The call for abstracts for the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium is now open!
The Scientific Symposium Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for the ICOMOS 2024 Annual General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS AGA2024) to be held at the Convention Centre, Ouro Preto, Brazil from 10–17 November 2024. The Scientific Symposium offers a major research, information sharing, training and capacity-building opportunity for delegates, who will be able to present and attend papers, seminars, workshops, site visits and other sessions.
Submit your abstract for a session, paper or poster through the AGA2024 Abstract Submission Portal. The call for abstracts will close on 15 May 2024.Click here to submit your abstract
Key Dates
- 4 March 2024: Abstract online submission site opens
- 15 May 2024: Deadline to submit an abstract
- 30 June 2024: Authors notified of abstract submission outcome
- 30 Aug 2024: Author registration deadline*
*Presenters and session organizers MUST register for the AGA2024 by the above date to confirm attendance. Presenters/session organizers who have not registered by this date will have their abstracts removed from the Scientific Symposium Program.
Abstract Guidelines
- Participants are welcome to submit abstracts in English, French, or Spanish. Portuguese abstracts accompanied by English, French or Spanish translation will be accepted.
- Participants are welcome to submit more than one co-authored paper and/or poster abstracts, and session proposals.
- Participants may only submit one individual paper abstract and/or one individual poster abstract.
- The AGA2024 Scientific Committee Co-chairs reserve the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate theme or program.
- Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site.
- Abstracts will be reviewed as submitted by the abstract deadline of 15 May 2024.
Presenter Agreement
All presenters agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract:
- Agree that if the abstract is accepted, ICOMOS has permission to publish the abstract in printed and/or electronic formats.
- Agree to have their papers published in printed and/or electronic formats, and their presentation broadcasted online and through the platforms used by ICOMOS.
- Intend to register for and attend the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium and pay the appropriate registration fee by 30 Aug 2024.
Failure to register by 30 Aug 2024 will result in the following:
- The proposal being withdrawn from the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium.
- The submitter will not be allowed to present their abstract at the meeting.
- The abstract will not be citable as being part of the ICOMOS AGA2024 Scientific Symposium Proceedings.