Monthly Archives: March 2015

2016 IIC Congress

Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works

The diversity of materials, processes and modes of creative expression that
make up our contemporary cultures present ever more complex challenges for
the conservation profession. Whether considering works of art, architecture,
products of contemporary design, or other media, the profession is having to
adapt to an expanding set of values and demands, while attempting to
maintain existing ethics, philosophies and best practices. Nowhere is this
seen more clearly than in navigating the delicate balance between the
artist’s or creator’s intent and the preservation of original materials and
procedures when these appear to be in direct conflict.

further details…

ICOMOS – 10th Annual Meeting & Scientific Conference

26-28 November 2015

International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration

Papers are invited on:

  • Theoretical approaches for conservation of historic towns and cities
  • Reflections on normative international documents relevant to conservation of historic towns and cities
  • Theoretical and philosophical reflections on authenticity and integrity in historic towns and cities
  • Theoretical and philosophical reflections on conservation approaches to historic towns and cities in South Asia

Abstracts (maximum of 2 pages) of the proposed papers should be sent by March 15th, 2015 to:

What can Museum Architecture do?

In current debates on museums and participatory exhibition experiences, the centre of attention is on the curatorial and the museological, and in regards to art museums, obviously on the participatory or relational potentials of the exhibited artworks and installations. Hence, it is time now to give attention to the relational aspects of museum architecture, in particular to exploring the relational field between the exhibited (art), the architecture, and the visitor, as well as the engagement or disengagement of museum architecture in exhibition experiences.

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Contemporary Architecture in Heritage Contexts

The purpose of this conference is to open a space for the socialization of intervention criteria, the set up and development of research on new architectural and urban projects located in natural or cultural heritage contexts, in order to harmonize the use of heritage elements and resources in new projects as a way to strengthen territorial and community development.

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SAHC 2016

The general theme of the conference is “Anamnesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, Controls”, which emphasizes the importance of all steps of a restoration process in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the structural behavior of built cultural heritage. Research papers are invited for oral and poster presentation.

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