Towards Transformative Practice Frameworks: Planners, Professional Agency & Sustainable Urbanism

Towards Transformative Practice Frameworks: Planners, Professional Agency & Sustainable Urbanism

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Context: In the UK, a number of our part-time students (young practitioners) seem to be disappointed by what they see as planners having a limited ability to make a difference – And they also appear to be unaware of the range of strategies the preceding generation in the 1990s adopted – to change the status quo – for example, on planning’s role in promoting Sustainable Design and Construction at the time.

One aim of this Thematic Issue is to capture the inspiring legacy of pro-active sustainable planning practices from various perspectives of the recent past – And to use that record to look to the future role & potential opportunities to move the sustainable urbanism agenda forward, regardless of neoliberal barriers.

Another aim is to generate a discussion between Educators and Practitioners about planning expertise and emerging forms of agency – to enable frameworks for future transformative practices to emerge. Consequently, we would also welcome, and would look to include a couple of commentaries, opinion pieces and considered replies from readers – to the papers in this issue.

The theme of agency in planning is also relevant to designers experience of interacting with planners – and critical papers / case studies from a range of (academic, activist, design practitioner, &/or community) perspectives would be particularly welcome.

Please send us an expression of interest with your potential topic – Abstracts due by 15th Nov 2018.