CALL FOR PAPERS: E-FAITH industrial heritage

Each year, E-FAITH, the European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage, is organising a weekend where industrial heritage volunteers and associations can meet and learn from each other’s experiences. It always takes place at interesting sites, this year in Barcelona, and in its neighbourhood in the Catalan Museum of Science and Technology in Terrassa and the Water Museum in Cornellà del Llobregat.

There are two themes for this year’s meeting.
The weekend starts on Friday October 20th with a workshop on how to present and promote the industrial heritage during the European Cultural Heritage Year.
On Saturday October 21st the plenum meeting deals with Industrial Heritage – exploring opportunities for education and lifelong learning . In the afternoon associations will present their aims and objectives, and their activities’,
On Sunday October 22nd there are guided visits in Barcelona, showing how citizen’s involvement saved industrial buildings and promoted re-use of them

The call-for-papers and the registration are now open.
For details go to: