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Call for Research Participants – Significance of Building Adaption through Sustainability

A call for survey and interview participants relating to building adaptation and sustainability, including the importance of factors which influence building viability versus demolition, from Daniel Wiley; a student in Town and Regional Planning (MA) at Leeds Beckett university.

Information/ Input Needed:

Participants will complete a survey to assess the built environment, focussing on building adaption in relation to sustainability, to assess building adaptions contribution towards sustainability. There will be an online survey and follow up short interview. This should take 30 minutes and can be conducted at a convenient time and date to be arranged online. All answers and results from the research are kept strictly confidential and the results will be reported in a research paper available to all participants on completion.

For more information, or to participate, please contact Daniel at

Research Summary:

The built environment poses challenges as we move into modern times such as environmental challenges which imposes onto our lifestyle of consumption of finite resources and reliance on car culture has prompted policy interventions to find new solutions to mitigate this impact on our built environment and possibly change our lifestyle away from decentralised spatial planning towards sustainable directions of living within cities. Small scale policies aimed at improving our own inner cities and reducing impacts of vacancy of buildings represents a potential opportunity for reviving inner city living, impacts of vacancy of buildings has been noted by researchers including Bullen et al (2011,2009) on adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, this trend in building adaption has been received by many authors including Ball (1999,2002), Barlow et all (1996,1995), Kurul (2007), Heath, (2001), Remoy et al  (2010, 2012, 2011). The benefits towards building adaptive reuse are seen through the eyes of environmental and social tenants of sustainability and the drivers are cultivated through the energy efficiency benefits of using existing structures and recycling material which would inevitably be wasted through demolition. The argument against building adaption focuses predominantly on costs over longer-term economic feasibility of maintaining a building with such outdated infrastructure, hidden externalities of costs involved with demolition such as decontamination and remedial costs need to be incorporated into viability assessments, Bullen (2009). The demolition decisions should incorporate social and environmental factors into the decision-making process when considering a building for adaption as the environmental and social benefits weigh very strongly as an argument to justify the need for the adaption.

Significance of adaption through sustainability

Buildings are linked to sustainability through reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency of environmental goals of sustainable development, alongside social and economic goals. We can incorporate the social and environmental goals of sustainable development into decision making for adaption and use this as a benchmarking tool to evaluate the viability of buildings from sustainability perspectives. The drivers towards adaption have been based around sustainability goals, building adaption according to Binder (2003) saves approximately 95% of the materials of existing buildings and is a strong argument in favour of building adaption over demolition or redevelopment in contrast to the economic argument over finance, the social and environmental opportunities shine light onto adaption, (Ball, 2002). Wilkinson (2011) argues similarly that demolition is wasteful processes if materials are not reused or recycled through adaptation. Obsolescence within buildings presents two opposing factors, an opportunity to trigger buildings adaption and improve a building but also it presents a threat to the built environment through negative threat of vacant buildings being disused and prone to vandalism and graffiti, Wilkinson (2011). Bullen (2007) presents the idea of embodied energy is a key response to environmental problems and presents a sustainable solution to the problem of new build which is seen as a highly inefficient use of resources. My research aims to identify barriers and opportunities through a stakeholder analysis of perceptions and experiences of decision-making appraisal processes which buildings undergo for transformation. The need to focus on the existing stock of buildings given the rising energy costs around the world has prompted this trend, extending the lifecycle of buildings represents a new life for some buildings that undergo transformation, Remoy et al, (2007).

I’ve just given a brief summary of my research I am doing above. This is my survey I have produced through google forms which I will use to distribute my survey. (I am hoping this link will work). This is the link I will use but I will collect email addresses from participants who can access the survey. After the survey is complete, I am trying to gain a follow up 10-15 min interview into some detail about the answers given from the survey. The data and email addresses will be kept safe online through google form account, I will use my google account ( to send out survey request so it might not come from my university email here. The main input I am looking for is finding out the importance of factors which influence building viability versus demolition. 

Call for Papers – AKTLD Annual Conference: Heritage and Democracy

Submission of Abstracts: 24th March 2024

Democracy is a fragile creature. As a political system, it is characterized by citizens’ participation in the government’s decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives. Democracy can take various forms, but the common thread is the emphasis on the people’s empowerment in shaping the state’s policies and direction. 

Cultural heritage, its designation, interpretation and management are always affected by political circumstances. Whatever the approach taken towards heritage in democratic societies, it has to be subjected to the public’s scrutiny, including a dialogue and discourse beyond heritage professionals. There is an assumption that cultural heritage in democratic societies and the proponents of its state-driven management are acting in the interest of the public good. It is an assumption underpinned by the notion of culture as embracing a social value. This can be challenged not only by different kinds of public, but also by different state representatives. But what happens when democratic governments start to influence investigative and diverse narratives, undermining values of heritage and culture that heritage professionals have taken for granted? Where should the sovereignty of interpretation lie when populism is on the rise? Who defines, interprets, uses or instrumentalizes heritage and for what purposes? 

After the euphoria that greeted the fall of the Iron Curtain, a consensus developed that democracy is inevitable as a progressive trajectory of history. The following years were accompanied by a sense of optimism, endurance and superiority, which was pervasive across Europe and the broader democratic world. Over the last decade or so, this consensus has been shaken as we have seen resurging authoritarian tendencies and an undermining of civil liberties. Such tendencies are often based on the most simplistic understanding of democracy, the so-called ‘will of the people’, neglecting its other qualifying characteristics. In the current climate, we are sharply reminded that democracy is not a static condition, but a constant process of negotiation, and that the ‘will of the people’ can go in different ways – as illustrated by the appearance of the same slogan in connection with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the rise of new authoritarian rule. 

Democratic processes are more and more distinguished between top-down and bottom-up decision-making. There are many perceptions, not to say prejudices, of how this differs in various national contexts, specifically about cultural heritage. We aim to explore the reality behind these perceptions to gain a more nuanced picture that includes national contexts beyond those in which most experts operate in, we aim to explore the reality behind these perceptions. We thereby recognize that the notion of civil society is also embedded in democracy; for example, in the UK, civil society is embodied by the charitable and community sector, which is generally upheld as one of the great traditional pillars of British society. 

This conference will look at heritage processes that operate in conjunction with the notion of democracy. This includes heritage in democratic processes and heritage as democratic processes. It seeks to uncover the Nation State’s role in forcing heritage protection and (and defying it. The protection of heritage can happen despite the state or – under certain circumstances – against the state. However, to a large extent, heritage practices deal with the care for listed buildings, conservation areas, and other (physical) entities, supporting them in their survival and thriving. To this extent, they are not bound to democratic 2 

Institutions, as has happened and continues to happen, whether or not democratic structures are in place. What does this mean for heritage management processes within democratic structures? 

We are approaching this discourse from a perspective of the canon of cultural heritage and its protection and conservation. It has been developed over more than 200 years, initially in the context of the European Enlightenment and, more recently, of Globalisation. That perspective is generally represented by experts whose participation in decision-making processes is founded on a legal mandate. This is usually communicated based on a shared understanding of values among those experts, and is justified as being in the public’s interest. Who this public is, and how it is constituted, needs to be further explored about the various heritage processes. 

This is an international conference organized in Coventry by the AKTLD Arbeitskreis für Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V. [Working Group on Theory and Education in Heritage Conservation]. It will explore questions of Heritage and Democracy in national comparison, including, but not restricted to, Germany and the United Kingdom. Coventry provides the venue and the conceptual framework. As the city of peace and reconciliation, it has promoted mutual understanding, human rights, peace and security as pillars of democracy ever since it was bombed in 1940. Its iconic treatment of how to deal with the destruction of its cathedral in terms of architecture and heritage is also testimony to these ideals. 

Key questions:

  1. Notwithstanding the assumed consensus on the superiority of democracy as the least objectionable of all state models, is there an indication that heritage discourses and protection practices serve democratic societies (more so than autocratic ones)? 
  2. How can discourses and practices of heritage uphold and develop democracy? And to what extent do they depend on it? 
  3. What are the different heritage management practices of top-down/ bottom-up decision-making in national comparisons? 
  4. What roles do heritage processes play in contemporary societies – both in support of state narratives and as oppositional and alternative practices? 

Potential Sections:

▪ Heritage and the public good 

▪ Heritage interpretation as an instrument of nation-building, of creating, stabilizing or questioning democratic (or other) societies 

▪ The professional heritage community and civil society 

▪ State heritage structures, the law and democratic processes


We look forward to receiving your proposals for a 20-25 min talk. Although we envision the conference to be predominantly conducted in English, we will also accept German proposals and talks. 

Please send a substantial abstract of maximum 200 word together with a short CV by the 24 March 2024. Please indicate in which sections you wish to position 


The ICCROM Classifieds are a service to the professional institutions of our Member States. The Classifieds list announcements on conservation-related topics and events from around the world. They are made available to ICCROM’s public solely for informational purposes. Posting of items in the Classifieds does not imply endorsement by ICCROM.

ICCROM reserves the right to moderate content posted to the Classifieds and may remove or edit any Content for any or no reason, including, but not limited to, that which is deemed out of scope or inconsistent with ICCROM’s intergovernmental status.

For information about ICCROM’s Privacy Policy, please consult the following link

Call for Abstracts – ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2024

This year, the ICOMOS Advisory Committee will organise its Scientific Symposium in Ouro Preto, Brazil, from 13 to 15 November 2024 on the theme “Revisiting the Venice Charter: Critical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges.”

Read the call for abstracts and send your abstract before 15 May 2024!    

For more information, visit the ICOMOS website

The 60th Anniversary of the Venice Charter provides a unique opportunity to reassess it as a historical document rooted in a specific context and shaped by a particular heritage concept. This Symposium is dedicated to a critical reading, focusing on the Venice Charter’s relevance in the current discourse surrounding heritage and adopting a cross-cutting approach between conventions.

The Symposium aims to comprehensively reassess the Venice Charter in a contemporary context, emphasizing its Eurocentric origins and advocating for a critical rereading considering evolving heritage concepts. Additionally, it seeks to foster a cross-cutting approach between the Venice Charter and other international conventions, emphasizing the importance of diverse epistemologies and contributions from the Global South.

Proposed Sub-Themes for the Symposium

1. Historical Context and Heritage Concepts
An exploration of the historical context and conceptual foundations that shaped the Venice Charter, emphasizing its Eurocentric origins and the need for a critical rereading.

2. A Cross-Cutting Approach Between Conventions
A discussion linking the Venice Charter with other international documents, notably the Hague Convention of 1954, the World Heritage Convention of 1972, the Nara Document on Authenticity of 1994, the Intangible Heritage Convention of 2003, and the Faro Convention of 2005[1], exploring intersections and shared principles to address contemporary challenges.

3. Universalism and diversity: Rereading the Doctrinal Documents from Diverse Perspectives
A discussion on the importance of the Venice Charter (and other related doctrinal documents) through diverse epistemologies and perspectives, acknowledging the cultural diversity of heritage and exploring contributions from the Global South.

4. Contemporary Challenges in Heritage Discourse
A critical examination of the state of the art in heritage discussions, considering the evolving perspectives and challenges that have emerged since the inception of the Venice Charter. Examining the relevance of the Venice Charter in the current context, with a focus on challenges posed by the Western divide between nature and culture, the growing importance of metropolises, social inequities, the environmental impact of human activities, disasters and conflicts, among others.

5. Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage
Cultural heritage is increasingly vulnerable to disasters and conflicts and subject to rapid destruction, as evidenced by the recent fires, floods, earthquakes and escalating armed conflicts in different parts of the world. At the General Assembly 2023 in Sydney, ICOMOS Advisory Committee approved the theme of “Disaster and Conflict Resilient Heritage – Preparedness, Response and Recovery” as the theme for the Triennial Scientific Plan 2024-2027.  In keeping with the spirit of open, innovative, constructive intergenerational dialogue, and the strategic focus, this sub-theme will address the suitability of the Venice Charter with the theme of disaster and conflict-resilient heritage, emphasizing its broader implications for heritage discourse, development models, and resilience strategies.

By integrating these sub-themes into the Symposium, we aim to foster a comprehensive dialogue that not only critically reinterprets the Venice Charter but also explores its intersections with broader heritage discussions and contemporary challenges including the climate emergency, conflicts and natural disasters.

[1] Council of Europe’s Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society

The call for abstracts for the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium is now open!

The Scientific Symposium Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for the ICOMOS 2024 Annual General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS AGA2024) to be held at the Convention Centre, Ouro Preto, Brazil from 10–17 November 2024. The Scientific Symposium offers a major research, information sharing, training and capacity-building opportunity for delegates, who will be able to present and attend papers, seminars, workshops, site visits and other sessions.

Submit your abstract for a session, paper or poster through the AGA2024 Abstract Submission Portal. The call for abstracts will close on 15 May 2024.
GO TO linkClick here to submit your abstract

Key Dates

  • 4 March 2024: Abstract online submission site opens
  • 15 May 2024: Deadline to submit an abstract 
  • 30 June 2024: Authors notified of abstract submission outcome
  • 30 Aug 2024: Author registration deadline*

*Presenters and session organizers MUST register for the AGA2024 by the above date to confirm attendance. Presenters/session organizers who have not registered by this date will have their abstracts removed from the Scientific Symposium Program.

Abstract Guidelines

  1. Participants are welcome to submit abstracts in English, French, or Spanish. Portuguese abstracts accompanied by English, French or Spanish translation will be accepted.
  2. Participants are welcome to submit more than one co-authored paper and/or poster abstracts, and session proposals.
  3. Participants may only submit one individual paper abstract and/or one individual poster abstract.
  4. The AGA2024 Scientific Committee Co-chairs reserve the right to reclassify submitted abstracts into the most appropriate theme or program.
  5. Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site.
  6. Abstracts will be reviewed as submitted by the abstract deadline of 15 May 2024.

Presenter Agreement

All presenters agree to the following conditions when submitting an abstract:

  1. Agree that if the abstract is accepted, ICOMOS has permission to publish the abstract in printed and/or electronic formats.
  2. Agree to have their papers published in printed and/or electronic formats, and their presentation broadcasted online and through the platforms used by ICOMOS.
  3. Intend to register for and attend the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium and pay the appropriate registration fee by 30 Aug 2024.

Failure to register by 30 Aug 2024 will result in the following:

  • The proposal being withdrawn from the AGA2024 Scientific Symposium.
  • The submitter will not be allowed to present their abstract at the meeting.
  • The abstract will not be citable as being part of the ICOMOS AGA2024 Scientific Symposium Proceedings.

Call for Research – The structural conservation of historic buildings

A call for research relating to the structural conservation of historic buildings, particularly in Wales, from Connor Evans; a third year BSc Civil Engineering student at the University of South Wales.

Information/ Input Needed:

I am seeking insights, expertise, and resources from IHBC members who specialize in structural conservation and have experience working with historic buildings. I am particularly interested in learning about innovative approaches, case studies, and practical considerations in the field of structural conservation, especially as they relate to load path alterations and remediation strategies. I plan to use Ruperra Castle as a case study to apply the findings of my research so any knowledge of this site would be greatly appreciated. Any other relevant literature, case studies, or contacts would be of great assistance.

Research Summary:

I am a third year BSc Civil Engineering student at the University of South Wales , conducting research for my dissertation project on the structural conservation of historic buildings in Wales. I have been conducting research looking at case studies such as Old Beaupre Castle, Llwyn Celyn farmhouse, Tintern Abbey and others. My primary objective is to investigate the considerations taken when restoring historically significant structures such as “how can changes in load paths can affect restoration works?” and “how far should restoration works alter the existing structure?”. Specifically, I aim to analyse the decision-making processes, challenges, and solutions involved in preserving the structural integrity and cultural significance of these heritage assets, while incorporating modern interventions like steel lintels and mortar repairs. I would also like to look at how some of the findings of my research can apply to historic structures that are need of restoration work.

Contact Information:

Please feel free to contact me via email at I welcome any contributions, suggestions, or collaborations related to my research topic.

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to connecting with the IHBC community.

Call for Papers – Florence Heri-Tech – The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies International Conference 4th Edition

Submissions close: 25 Mar 2024

The idea is to create a synergy between Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

The idea is create a synergy between business world and university world

The International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, involves a large number of researches and scholars from around the world and puts the industry’s current issues under spotlight, specifically on issues related to innovative techniques and technologies for Cultural Heritage. The Conference is part of the Florence International Biennial for Art and Restoration, an international event attracting prestigious institutions and companies and creating a unique opportunity to bring together the academic word with industry. The Conference will be a significant opportunity to bring together the academic world with industry.

Heri-Tech is the first International Conference to welcome major researchers and scholars from all over the world, focusing on current and future issues in the field on issues related to innovative techniques and technologies. The city of Florence will therefore be the international heart of Restoration and Cultural and Environmental assets as well as a forum for meeting and discussing for experts, operators and enthusiasts from around the world. The Conference will be a significant opportunity for exchange between researchers and companies for the promotion of productive excellence, technological evolution, the greater use of culture for younger sections of the population and specialization in the educational field for graduates and PhD students.

The final objectives are:

To foster European mobility and co-operation between students and staff; to enhance Europe’s development as a multi-cultural society and to encourage the concept that scientific-cultural research must be an integral part of society; to promote international networks between universities, training institutes and companies to create long-term collaboration opportunities; to create favourable conditions for young graduates to enter the world of work; to demonstrate the influence of new technologies in the arts and how they can be used for innovative teaching and learning; and to establish contacts and cooperation between Institutions in the Academic world and the world of work.

For more information, and to submit your paper, visit

Call for Abstracts – IEREK: Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) – 8th Edition

University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy

Conference: 17th – 20th September 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline: Now extended until *30th April 2024*


Architectural conservation is something that embraces not just architecture in all its various forms, but a vast range of other subjects – environmental politics, urban planning, urban economics and tourism, and even war destructions and renewal […] Conservation is, and has always been, an integral part of modern society and its environment, like all the modern environments, did not just happened”.

(Miles Glendinning 2013)

Starting from this concept, the International Conference on “Conservation of Architectural Heritage” (CAH) aims at bringing together academics and professionals who care about heritage from different points of view and share their visions in protecting, preserving, and enhancing cultural heritage for the future.

Architectural and Cultural Heritage is testimony of past societies’ values, and achievements, as well as political, social and economic systems. Such heritage is represented in tangible and intangible forms and at landscape, urban and architectural scales. Across these scales, it also embodies both material and immaterial values and informs current and future societies with invaluable information of their history and identity. Unfortunately, cultural sites are no longer the same as they used to be. They are exposed to losing their authenticity and identity bit by bit due to many decay factors. Also, the different levels of scale and the wide range of chronologies introduce different challenges that academics and professionals respond to in our contemporary time. For example, the concepts of archaeology, history, and identity are not the same between historic and modern heritage sites, which presents an additional challenge to conserve and protect heritage that is not commonly seen as a legacy of the past (e.g. modern heritage). Thus, it is important to advocate the need for equal consideration and in-depth studies for our heritage considering its time, scales and values. In addition, there is unprecedented recognition of culture within the Sustainable Development Goals which is going to play a crucial role. In becoming a fundamental discourse within Sustainability, Cultural Heritage research will employ techniques and methodologies belonging to the Arts and Humanities, Architecture, Restoration and Conservation, and Creative Practices, along with Sciences, Technology and Engineering.

Thus, the conference is not only going to talk about heritage but also about how to preserve it considering the diversity of scales, typologies, uses, periods of construction, and state of conservation, as well as how to link it to the broader topics of sustainability, accessibility and assessment of values. In doing so, the conference is going to start by identifying concepts and topics of cultural heritage and its subtle link with the environment.

The conference has proven its success year by year, and this 8th edition, held in collaboration with the University of Cagliari and the University of Portsmouth, is going to stand out by discussing all the Art and Science of Heritage.

Selected papers of the conference will be published in a book series under the title of Advances in Science, Technology, & Innovation (ASTI) by Springer. Others will be published in the Resource Dings journal by IEREK Press.


The 8th edition of the “Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)” conference comprehensively covers the topic of heritage conservation & maintenance against decay factors. Additionally, it aims to bring the topic of conservation considering archaeological, historic, modern, and contemporary heritage, the diversity of scales: landscape, urban and architectural ones. This will be explored within the umbrella of sustainability and accessibility discussing the relations between cultural heritage preservation and development.  The conference envelops interdisciplinary and co-creative methods of the conservation of both tangible heritage sites in the form of architectural landmarks, civic and military heritage, and associated intangible aspects of heritage. It touches upon the significance, authenticity and identity of cultural heritage and the economic impact that its conservation brings. Encompassing various methods of heritage preservation, the conference also covers citizens’ as well as governmental policy implementation & NGOs’ role in the process. In addition, tourism’s impact on heritage sites, innovative design methods and climate change adaptations are integral to the conference focus.

For more information, including a list of conference topics, visit

WMF – 2025 World Monuments Watch

Nominations Close – 15 Mar 2024, 5pm EDT

World Monuments Fund is delighted to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the 2025 World Monuments Watch.

The World Monuments Watch is a nomination-based program that connects local heritage preservation to global awareness and action. The Watch rallies support to places in need and the people who care for them, spotlighting new challenges and the communities worldwide harnessing heritage to confront the crucial issues of our time. WMF partners with the people who know these places best, amplifying their efforts through advocacy, training, and close collaboration with WMF’s expert team and professionals across the globe. 

Safeguarding heritage is our shared mission—be part of this initiative by submitting your nomination today. For more information, click here

SHT Awards: Open for Nominations

The Sussex Heritage Trust is accepting nominations until 22nd March for its Annual Awards showcasing high quality architecture and conservation projects across the county.

There are 11 categories to enter, ranging from Commercial to Small Scale Residential, from Ecclesiastical Buildings to Building Crafts.

The winners will be announced at a ceremony on 10th July. Read how to make your application here.

Call for Sessions – SAH 2025 Annual International Conference

Atlanta, Georgia | April 30–May 4

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 11:59 pm CST

Conference Chair: Mohammad Gharipour, SAH Vice President Elect, University of Maryland
Local Co-Chairs: Christina E. Crawford, Emory University, and Elisa Dainese, Georgia Institute of Technology

The Society of Architectural Historians announces that its 78th Annual Conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, from Wednesday, April 30 to Sunday, May 4, 2025. The Society invites everyone interested in the history of the built environment to submit a proposal to chair a session at the conference. 

NEW for 2025 — SAH is extending the paper session portion of the conference and will schedule sessions throughout the day on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The expanded program will allow for greater diversity of session topics and additional opportunities for members to present their work. Each session will comprise 5-6 papers, with each presentation allotted a duration of 15–20 minutes. SAH encourages diverse presentation formats. 

Since the principal purpose of the SAH Annual International Conference is to inform conference attendees of the general state of research in architectural history and related disciplines, session proposals covering every period in the history of architecture and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape and urban history, are encouraged. 

Sessions may be theoretical, methodological, thematic, interdisciplinary, pedagogical, revisionist or documentary in premise and have broadly conceived or more narrowly focused subjects. Sessions that embrace cross-cultural and transnational topics are particularly welcome. Topics related to historic preservation and cultural heritage as related to architecture are also encouraged. Proposals will be selected on the basis of merit and the need to create a well-balanced program. Topics exploring the architecture of Atlanta and the architecture of the southeastern United States are encouraged. In every case, the subject should be clearly defined in critical and historical terms.

Session proposals on architecture and race, architecture of the American South, architecture and urbanism in Atlanta, urban segregation, histories of agency and disturbance, architecture and accountability, history of gentrification, urban development, architecture and coloniality, and health and architecture are encouraged.

SAH welcomes proposals from SAH Affiliate Groups, SAH chapters, SAH committees, SAH partner organizations, and other groups in the field. The Society also seeks proposals for sessions that further the goals of the SAH IDEAS Initiative: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability, and Sustainability. We are thus seeking sessions that explore the intersection of architecture and social justice, inclusion and exclusion, diversity, transparency, accessibility, borders and conflicts, systemic inequalities, and challenges of method. 

Since late submissions cannot be considered, it is recommended that proposals be submitted before the deadline. 

Additional Information

Submission Guidelines

Session proposals must be submitted online by 11:59 pm Central Standard Time, on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Conference Chair Mohammad Gharipour and members of the Annual Conference Session Selection Committee will review and select the session proposals. 

Prospective session chairs must include the following in their proposal:

  • A session title not longer than 65 characters, including spaces and punctuation
  • Summary of the subject and the premise in no more than 300 words
  • Your name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, and email address 
  • A current CV (2 pages max) 

For more information visit the website here

Call for Papers – From Forests to Heritage Conference 2024

Call for Papers – Closes 15 December 2023

From Forests to Heritage Conference brings together researchers studying forests, timber and wooden cultural heritage. Contributions can cover the following fields: forest research, forest ecology, architectural history, cultural heritage studies, dendrochronology, art history, and literature studies, or others.

In 2024, the conference is organized in Helsinki, Finland, at 18th century Sea Fortress Suomenlinna from 28th to 31st May 2024.


The conference is dedicated to the processing of wood in the past for production of architecture, buildings, furniture, works of art, ships and other timber structures. We aim to bring together a diverse group of dendrochronologists, wood scientists, art historians, architectural historians, archaeologists, museum collection curators and scientists from all around the world to exchange the latest insights, methods and ideas related to the study of wooden cultural heritage.

During this conference, research on historical wooden objects and structures that results in a better understanding of past timber exploitation and trade, forestry practices, wood provenance, supply chains, timber assortments, woodworking techniques and craftsmen’s skills will be presented. Furthermore, we encourage contributions that explore novel methods for non-invasive research on historical art objects and analytical techniques that allow to pin-point the provenance of the wood.

We also invite you to conference excursion to old Finnish forests and (timber) built heritage sites normally not open to the public.

Call for papers (opens 15th August)

22 August – 15 December


22 August to 15 December (CFP extended to December 15th!) 2023, Submission of abstracts
31 December 2023, Announcement of acceptance
February 2024, Registration deadline
28–31 May 2024, Conference
1 June, Post-conference excursion


Aalto University, Architectural History and Conservation
University of Eastern Finland, Forest Ecology
Finnish Heritage Agency           
The Governing Body of Suomenlinna                                                                                            

Conference Venue

The conference will be organized in Suomenlinna sea fortress in the seafront of Helsinki. Suomenlinna is one of the largest sea fortresses in the world, founded in 1748. In 1991, the Suomenlinna fortress was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique monument of military architecture.

The conference takes place at Tenaille von Fersen, old granary of the fortification’s bakery from 1775, nowadays a conference and banquet venue.

Organizing committee

Panu Savolainen (Aalto University, head of the committee), Tuomas Aakala (University of Eastern Finland), Liisa Seppänen (Hämeenlinna city museum), Marko Huttunen (Livady Architects), Miia Perkkiö (The Governing Body of Suomenlinna), Pekka Heikkinen (Aalto University)

Scientific board

Announced in December 2023

Visit the website and find out more here