Author Archives: admin


A HOSTILE CLIMATE? MULTIDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON CLIMATE CHANGE is a one-day conference that will be held at the University of Leeds on 8th April 2019.

We seek to gather together early career and PGR scholars across all disciplines in climate change research from across the UK . This conference will explore the many different facets of climate change and related environmental catastrophes through the lens of different academic and artistic disciplines, and to hear from PhD and early career researchers producing novel and innovative work on these topics.

Further details about topics and deadline here

Call for Session: The European Architectural History Network

Call for Session and Roundtable Proposals

The European Architectural History Network is delighted to announce its next biannual meeting at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 10-13 June 2020. In accordance with EAHN’s mission, the meeting aims to increase the visibility of the discipline of architectural history, to foster transnational, interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the study of the built environment, and to facilitate the exchange of research in the field. EAHN is a European organisation, but its intellectual scope is global, and the meeting welcomes proposals on any architectural historical topic. As well as topics on any aspect of the built environment, proposals on landscape and urban history are also very welcome, along with proposals dealing with the theories, methodologies and historiographies of architectural history.

Proposals are sought in two basic formats: (1) a Session, and (2) a Roundtable debate. A Session should consist of 4-5 paper presentations, with a respondent, and time for dialogue and discussion at the end. A Roundtable debate should be an organised as a discussion between panel members, and the format would suit topics of particular urgency, or contemporary relevance. Roundtables should also aim to activate audience discussion as far as possible. Sessions and Roundtables may be chaired by more than one person.

Anyone wishing to chair a Session or a Roundtable debate at EAHN2020 are invited to submit proposals by 31 December 2018. Chairs should make clear whether their proposal is a Session, or a Roundtable.

Please note that EAHN is self-funding, and chairs are expected to provide all their conference expenses, including travel and accommodation.

Further details here


Call for papers

The conservation of immobile stone monuments, structures or objects within traditional buildings present specific conservation challenges. Monuments in Monuments 2019 will examine the interaction and conflicts raised when conserving stone structures in this context and examines whether a holistic conservation approach is possible. Hosted by Historic Environment Scotland, the conference aims to bring together international conservation practitioners and will blend speaker lectures, posters and industry partner stalls with field trips to view conservation issues in situ. Abstract submissions are welcome now. They should be max. 300 words, submitted by 30th of November in PDF format via email to:

For more information see:



Identities and the Cities: Urban Transformations, Transition and Change in Urban Image Construction

As part of
7th Euroacademia Forum of Critical Studies: Asking Big Questions Again
23 – 24 November 2018
Nice, Côte d’Azur, France
Deadline for Paper Proposals: 15th of October 2018

Panel Description:

Urban image construction is a reflection, expression and constitutive factor of local identity formation and dynamics. Cities simultaneously localize identities and connect them with wider global signs of utility, function and symbolic order. Elasticity of the label identity accommodates everything that surrounds us as presence or absence, persistence or change. As a theatrical scenery, cities change after each act, sometimes with discrete adaptations, sometimes with radical interventions. If the scenery is composed of streets, parks, roads, museums, monuments, shopping malls and buildings connected through the intricate network of the perpetual and cumulative actions of its inhabitants, every adaptation and intervention affects its multi-dimensional identities. Changes in urban visual identities unfold as a form of public art feeding from the immense potential of social imaginary significations accommodated by a time’s perception of stability, structure and continuity. Urban change is itself a production of meaning, interpretation and identity making practices.

As the chaotic canvases of cities are being stretched over a framework of identity, its further exploration seems more than appropriate. Amidst the incredibly rapid urban growth crowding more than half of the world population in towns and cities, the questions are only going to keep multiplying. How are city identities made and re-made, used and abused, imagined and narrated, politicised and communicated, expressed and projected, imposed and marketed? And above all, how do they thrive within the dynamic interpolation of the nexus of local-global, centre-periphery, urban – suburban, old and new. As out-dated as these dichotomies may sound, in many places their daily life is far from over. As old cities became new capitals and new capitals struggle for more capital, the challenges of maintaining public-driven collective identities in the face of cultural fragmentation and diversification, coupled with consumer-attractiveness is turning them into urban palimpsests. Urban environments reflect the human needs and values. In an increasingly globalized world, the human beings are becoming more citizens of the world than citizens of the cities. The increasing mobility of the new pilgrims of globalization creates more of the same in the logic of universalized urban functionality. Within this logic, the cities are now in the position to re-evaluate their impact on the world and shape their future in a manner that assumes a wider responsibility that evades a localized mentality. Urban local identities are becoming increasingly thin and rely strongly on negotiating a local specificity with universalized functionality and global responsibility. An increasing need for uniqueness and distinctiveness foster site-specificity aimed at placing a particular urban identity within a global economic hierarchy. Public art became essential for affirming distinctive local urban identities in a universe of serialization and commodification.

As the research on cultural identities of the city is becoming more abundant, this panel aims at adopting a wide-lens inter-disciplinary approach, while focusing on various processes affecting identities in the urban context in its global-regional-national-local interplay.

Some example of topics may include (but are not limited to):

•       Collective Memory, Identity and Urban Image Construction
•       Appropriation, Instrumentalisation and Functualisation of Public Spaces
•       Contemporary Nomadism and the City as a Common Denominator for Collective Identities
•       Architecture as ‘Politics with Bricks and Mortar’
•       History, Heritage and Urban Change
•       Urban Regeneration Projects, Landmark Buildings and ‘Starchitects’
•       Non-Places and (Non)Identity
•       Immigrants and the Cultural Identity of Cities
•       City Marketing and City Branding
•       Cities and Public Goods
•       European Capitals of Culture and European Identity
•       Cities and Sites of Memorialisation
•       Identity Creation and the Cultural Offer of the City
•       Urban Cultural Heritage as Identity-Anchor
•       Minor Places: Dominant Culture and Site-Specific Urban Identities
•       Creative Changes of the Cities
•       Art and Industry in Urban Development
•       Urban Aesthetics
•       Urban Installations
•       Critical Architecture
•       Urbanism and Social Intervention: Inclusion of the Marginalized
•       Centre/Periphery Nexuses in Contemporary Urban Development
•       Cities and the Quality of Life
•       Urban Landscapes and Sustainable Cities
•       Contemporary Cities and Environmental Responsibility
•       Ugliness, Kitsch and Value in Shaping Contemporary Urban Spaces
•       Urban Sites of Identification
•       Temporary Urban Interventions
•       Architecture as Public Art

Please apply on-line using the electronic form on the conference website or submit by e-mail a titled abstracts of less than 300 words together with the details of your affiliation until 15th of October 2018 to

If you are interested to apply, please see complete information about the conference and details for applicants at:

Education, Design and Practice – Understanding skills in a Complex World

PLACE: Stevens Institute of Technology, New York / New Jersey

DATES: 17-19 June 2019

ABSTRACTS: 01 Dec 2018 (Round One)


This unique conference is interested in how we prepare the next generation of professionals to manage, design and construct the built environment.  A specific urban design strand has been established.  It seeks papers on:

Education and Pedagogy | Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape |  Construction and Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology and AMPS

Pre-recorded video (via special YouTube Channel) 

Other formats: Skype |  Conference Presentations |  Written Papers

The conference forms part of PARADE, a collaboration between Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Intellect Books, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Vernon Press, Libri Publishing.

More details:

The Landscape and Architecture of British Post-War Infrastructure

communications mastA one-day conference at the Manchester School of Architecture
15th February 2019

Supported by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Keynote Speaker: Elain Harwood (Historic England)

Infrastructure is popularly conceived as a form of material production assigned to technological advancement. However, it is not exclusively a techno-centric endeavour, it is constituted by built artefacts designed through collaboration by those with more than simply an interest in its engineering. Infrastructure has the capacity to reveal much about the society in which it was produced – the political economy of infrastructure; the socio-cultural effects of infrastructure; the formal and visual impact of infrastructure and attitudes to its celebration or containment. Continue reading

Society for the Architectural Historians of Great Britain Symposium: Call for Papers

The Society for the Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB) is issuing a call for papers for its 2019 symposium around the theme of ‘architecture and light’. This symposium will coincide with two exhibitions at Sir John Soane’s Museum: one on ‘Soane and Light’ and another – as yet untitled – with a leading contemporary light artist. Thereby the theme of papers should focus on the presence, use and meaning of light in architectural design across all periods and styles. The Symposium is taking place on Saturday 22 June 2019 in London. Papers should be 20 minutes in length and should be illustrated by PowerPoint, with speakers prepared to take questions at the end. Find out more about how to submit here.

Call for Papers: iDOC 2019 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference, New Directions in CPTED

Call for Papers

iDOC 2019 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference, New Directions in CPTED
13-15 Feb 2019 

It is a pleasure to invite you to iDOC 2019 The conference is organized by the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre, the Sellenger Centre, ECU and the International CPTED Association. It will take place at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA on 13-15 February 2019.
iDOC 2019 is the 10th anniversary of the inaugural iDOC 2009 International Design Out Crime and CPTED Conference. The timing of iDOC 2019 is at a time of very rapid change and expansion in CPTED and Design Out Crime particularly improved access to detailed crime statistics and new technologies of surveillance, access control and social control; awareness of potential for adverse consequences of CPTED; the extension of CPTED into counter-terrorism; radical new kinds of analyses of CPTED in health, gender, equity, indigeneity, etc; and the professionalisation of CPTD in terms of training, certification and standard processes. In parallel, iDOC 2019 supports the recent focus worldwide on developing CPTED for night time economies

The themes of iDOC 2019 will be New Directions in CPTED and Night Time Economies and CPTED.

Topics of interest

  • Night time economy CPTED
  • Crime data and evidence-based CPTED
  • New technology CPTED (e.g. face recognition, virtual following, 360deg 24/7 surveillance, biometric access control, drones…)
  • Risk vs threat in CPTED
  • Counter terrorism and Crowded Places CPTED
  • Event CPTED
  • CPTED and gender
  • Social equity issues and CPTED
  • CPTED and health
  • CPTED and social control
  • CPTED and privacy
  • Legal and financial liabilities from CPTED
  • CPTED and economic development
  • CPTED, young people and public space
  • CPTED across the life of building developments
  • Dark side of CPTED (adverse consequences)
  • Occupational Health and Safety and CPTED
  • Professional CPTED practices, training and standard processes

We welcome four types of submissions:

  1. Academic papers (double peer reviewed) on research, theory and systematic reviews
  2. Tales from the field describing new problems and experiences, lessons learned and practical findings.
  3. Specialist topic sessions (15 minutes + 10 min discussion)
  4. Workshops (1-2 hours)
  5. Desktop Training Exercises for multi-stakeholder team interventions (1-2 hours)

Author Guidelines

Submissions are to be in English and in Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents. Sound anbd video media to be in mp4 (or as agreed with organisers). Images to be in jpg or png.

Word documents are to have a maximum of 3 levels of headings and only one type of bullets and numbered lists. Formatting to use Word styles. Citations and references to be in APA format and we recommend the use of Endnote or similar software.

Start here to submit a paper to this conference.

CALL FOR PAPERS: International conference on the use of gypsum in ancient buildings

The regional delegation Paris-Ile de France is organizing a conference on the use of gypsum in ancient buildings in February 2019.

The call for paper is open until september 28th. Don’t hesitate to make circulate this info among your scientific and professional networks.

There will be working sessions on the following topics so it is expected that communication in english or french will be proposed on :

 Theme 1 – Gypsum as a material

Key words : content, production process, properties, incompabilities, performance;

Theme 2 – Gypsum as part of local Know-hows through history

Key words : crafts, architecture, archeology, history, ethnology, sociology, building practices…

Theme 3 – Gypsum in a Heritage restoration perspective

Key words : diagonis, studies, experiment practices, remarkable restoration on listed or non listed building, volunteer workcamp based on technical skills experimentation based on gypsum,

Theme 4 – Identifying limits and fighting prejudicies on plaster

Keywords : rehabilitation of the material, potentialities, training, legal environment, eco-construction, recycling, materials of the future.

Important dates :

Deadline for submission of conference papers : September 28, 2018

Notification from the committee on the selection of papers : as from October 15, 2018

Conference program sent out : end October 2018

Registration : as from November 2, 2018

You can find some more info here in french

 For further details contact Fabrice Duffaud